Custom of "the Red Mass." The Holy Ghost, burning heretics, and cremation. Religious sisters making Mass responses? Marriage annulments, receiving the sacraments and "psychic anomaly." Adults lacking use of reason? Origin of Gehenna? Help for Catholic alcoholics? "Christian" rock, rap, metal? Praying for the souls of the dead.
What is "the Church?" Taylor Marshall's response to Archbishop Vigano about Francis? Difference between excommunications of Archbishops Lefebvre and Thuc? Did Lefebvre deny papal primacy? "Father, forgive them ...": did Christ forgive everybody, save everyone? How to gain All Souls Day plenary indulgence.
This episode was livestreamed on 10/31/2023
Facing World War or Lord of the World? "Vengeance is the law of Allah!" Imprisoning free speech. Jan-Six and the Left's data vigilantes. Synod Cardinal: Francis can change catechism at will, make LGBT OK. While New Order Catholics reject Francis' Synodal Church, SSPX cozies up to New Order. Pray…
The on-going Revolution: Francis says Synod continues Vatican II's church of constant change. Eric Sammons reacting, but not responding, to Archbishop Viganò. Great Western Schism: A doubtful pope is no pope. The special calling to the single life: a true God-given vocation.
This episode was livestreamed on…
Update: Michael Matt explains handling of Archbishop Viganò's video conference. Will SSPX respond to Viganò? Francis now conjuring Synodal Church. Catholic concept of Apostolic Succession. Hamas' attack unforeseen? The true face of Islam. True faith vs Modernist "Faith". Our part: Hold fast to the Faith!
This episode was recorded…
Viganò's Speech:
Francis denounces true Catholic Faith as false "ideology" - prelude to persecution? Old Church must give way to new Synodal Church. Michael Matt cancels Archbishop Viganò talk about Francis as "enemy of the Church," Vatican II as cancer. Wonderful sanctity of St. Theresa of the Child…
Dancing, the Roaring 20's, the Great Depression. Validity of New Order Baptisms. Billboards: Shout Your Abortion? Shout Your Repentance! Ukraine's Zelenskyy enlists witches to fight Russia. St. Isaac Jogues and Companions, pray for us!
This episode was livestreamed on 9/26/2023
The Catholic Church on social dancing: Vatican Decree of March 31, 1916. III Council of Baltimore in 1837: picnics and excursions? Bishop Brossart of Covington KY in 1918. Clergy forbidden to arrange, promote, attend dances? Are dances occasions of sin? Purity is paramount!
This episode was livestreamed on 9/19/2023
Does pope's name affect validity of Mass? Obligation to name pope and bishop in Mass? Fr James Altman says Francis is not pope. Archb. Lefebvre and new sacraments? SSPX has New Order clergy anoint dying? Bp Strickland must resign? "Bridge Over the River Kwai." Holy Name of Mary.
Fr Cekada's attack on Bishop Mendez: Bishop "Lili"? If humility is admitting sinfulness, then how can Jesus Christ and the Blessed Mother be humble?
This episode was livestreamed on 9/5/2023