What Catholics Believe

No Episode of What Catholics Believe - 11/26/2024

Dear viewers, there will be no episode of WCB tonight. Father Jenkins wanted to draw your attention to his Sunday sermon that you can watch in the meantime. May God bless you!

Election "forestalls" evil. Adding to merits of Christ. TLM in New Church? Pagan Mayan Rite.

The election, Our Lady of Fatima "forestalling" evils. Can saints add to the "treasury of merits" of Christ? The meaning of Matthew 11:28: "Come to Me ..." and Hebrews 4:12: "The word of God is living ...". Attending traditional Latin Mass in the New Church: blasphemy and sacrilege? Francis'

Retreat! Admonish sinners! Send angels to Mass? Saints & Poor Souls? Fear vs trust? Election mercy!

Sounding "retreat!" How to admonish the sinner? Praying for deceased non-Catholics? Sending one's Guardian Angel to Mass? Can saints in heaven help souls in purgatory? Balancing fear of God and trust in God? Nov. 5 election: A God-given reprieve. It is time for us to do what we should…

Election aftermath. Fascism? Purpose of amendment? Refusing absolution? Perfect contrition? Infants in church? Messianic Jews?

Election dissection: Why the Dems cry "Fascism!" Make America Godly Again! Contrition is hatred for sin. Necessity of a firm purpose of amendment. Avoiding confession? Moments of grace! Priest refusing absolution? How to have perfect contrition for forgiveness of all sin. Bring infants to church - or not? Are

Aiding Poor Souls. Adam's parents? Cursillo? Voting as menticide? Francis on Sacred Heart? MAGA Nazis?

How to aid the souls in Purgatory? Did Adam and Eve have parents? Are Cursillo and Charismatic Movement truly Catholic? What is true Catholic Action? A viewer objects to voting, rejects process as "menticide." Francis' encyclical on Sacred Heart: promotes woke agenda? Dems equate Trump to Hitler, MAGA to…

Negative modesty? Heliocentric heresy? Christ's siblings? Vote for good! Francis' Soviet Church.

Veils: Is modesty "negative"? Is heliocentrism heresy? Is there a non-Catholic crucifix? Did Mary, the Mother of God, have other children? Hurricane Helene: Donating to "relief organizations? Good Catholic Spanish Bible? Vote for your God-given right to oppose abortion. Francis' Soviet Church of Synodality.

This episode was recorded on

Church v. Galileo? ONE true Church? Veils on women? Naming children? Catholicism and race.

The myth of the persecution of Galileo: Catholic Scientist. Proof that the Catholic Church is the one true Church established by Jesus Christ. Why do Catholic women wear veils in church? Why name your children after saints? Controversy concerning "race-mixing"? Viganò condemns Francis' anti-Catholic Synod.

This episode was recorded

+Bp. Tissier: Rest in peace! Vigilantism, hatred, violence, envy? Stoicism? Enabling? Cells in food? Vote!

Pray for the repose of the soul of Bishop Bernard Tissier de Mallerais. Pray for hurricane victims. Is vigilantism Catholic? Demagogues promote and provoke hatred and violence. Stoicism vs meekness. Charity vs enabling. How to overcome envy: St Bernadette and the nun. How to recognize gluttony. Embryonic cells in…

Canon Hesse? Anti-Sede case? Ottaviani wrong? Reforms: facing the truth. Race-mixing. Support own parish?

Canon Gregory Hesse: right or wrong? RIP! Anti-sede arguments: right or wrong? RIP! Dom Lanford's "rebuttal" of Cardinal Ottaviani's intervention. Faking or facing the reality of the "reforms." Race-mixing? Tithing to one's own parish? Mass allowed only at certain times daily? Hold fast to traditional Faith, Mass and Sacraments!

21 - 30 of 726 articles