The other temptations of Christ. When did Satan know that Jesus is the Son of God? What motivates Satan to lead souls to hell? The "New Thought" movement? The Roman Catholic Institute? Viewer comments! The showdown: Trump vs. rogue judges. Lent: Drain the swamp, save your soul! Don't give…
Baptism Godparents, Confirmation Sponsors: different roles? Anointing sick, dying. Vestment colors: their significance? Forgive the unrepentant? Marrying the elderly? Our Lady of la Leche. Devil's regret? The "Restrainer"? Is God in Hell? Can priests forgive sins? Catholic dating? Horror movies? Where is the Garden of Eden? Francis recovers? SCOTUS…
Prayers for Church and nation. Biden's autopen! Obama's grip on America: federal judges? Offer Communion for one or more intentions? Francis' "odor amoris" vs Vance's "ordo amoris." Our Lord's 33 years: Freemasons' parody. St Matthew 26: "You will see the Son of Man ... coming in the clouds of…
Pray for conversion of America and its leaders. Catholic prayers at Mar-a-Lago. Democrats pledge "to continue speaking lies to Trump's truth." Video here: Saint Luke 8, 15: "Bring forth fruit in patience." Happy in Heaven when loved ones are in Hell? The General Judgment. SSPV Statement of Principles…
Pray for Francis' conversion, repentance. Immorality of IVF. Feral federal judges! Promoting patience and charity at home and at work. Catechism of Trent: "delayed ensoulment"? Marital abstinence before Communion? Official or personal penance during Lent? Did Mary need a Savior? Protesting Mary!
This episode was recorded on 2/25/2025.
Showing affection in courtship? Family members attending birth? Our Lady of Good Health: a Catholic devotion? Why two feasts of Saint Peter's Chair? Ecclesiastes 9, 5: "the dead know nothing"? Pray for Francis' conversion and repentance! Stuck in the New Order? Lawfare vs Trump: Trolls to Ring Wraiths! Pray…
Viewers' comments: Bp Williamson, battle over the Holy See, SSPX confusion, "Sacramentalism?", isolated in New Zealand, Sunday obligation online? Confirming babies? OT living 900 years? Bible Books of Wisdom? Imperial Presidency: executive orders? The post-Francis NO church? Jesus Christ alone is Savior!
This episode was recorded on 2/11/2025.
Another question about SSPX. Meaning of Psalm 36:30, Introit of Mass for Confessor: "Mouth shall meditate"? Francis' Synodal Church: Tower of Babel and Whore of Babylon? Francis blasts Trump deportations as "disgrace". Dangers of executive orders? Dysfunctional state of America: tyranny? Only true faith in Christ can save America.
Saint John Bosco's "Preventative Method" of raising children: reason, religion and kindness. The moral principle of double-effect: when there are no good choices. Conspiracy of Guardian Angels. The meaning of Romans 12,16: "...wise in your own conceits." If Old Law ended, why still 10 Commandments? Did Christ receive Communion…
WCB Bonus episode! Trump's executive orders, child trafficking and illegal immigration - why this is crucial for America's survival.
This episode was recorded on 1/22/2025.