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Category Search: fewness of the saved

Souls created for hell? "Kingdom of God"? Orthodox deny "the Keys". Church & faithless pope.

Why does God create souls He knows will be lost? What does Christ mean when He speaks of "the Kingdom of God"? How to respond to the Orthodox claim that the Bishop of Rome never had supreme authority over the Church? Did Christ confer supreme authority on St. Peter?

Aquinas: Confess sins to layman? Confess to Eastern priest? Most souls lost? Mary created first? Christ still suffering?

Learn more about the Immaculate Conception Golf Outing here:

St Thomas Aquinas answers: If no priest, should one confess sins to a lay person? Can Latin Rite Catholic confess to an Eastern Rite priest? Can a priest change rites? Are most souls saved or lost? Does fewness of

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