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Defining "the Church" • Taylor Marshall & Viganò • Archbishop excommunications • Christ’s last words

What is "the Church?" Taylor Marshall's response to Archbishop Vigano about Francis? Difference between excommunications of Archbishops Lefebvre and Thuc? Did Lefebvre deny papal primacy? "Father, forgive them ...": did Christ forgive everybody, save everyone? How to gain All Souls Day plenary indulgence.

This episode was livestreamed on 10/31/2023

Anti-popes, Catholic Rehab, Original Sin, Pro-Abort Pols

On this episode of What Catholics Believe a myriad of subjects and questions are discussed and answered including:  • How does an individual begin to live a Catholic life after being away from the Faith for a long time?  • What is the basis for the Doctrine

1 - 2 of 2 articles