The Beloved Amazon Region: Thus begins Francis' "Post-Synodal Apostolic Exhortation Querida Amazonia” addressed to the People of God and to All Persons of Good Will. The synod's final document which had been approved by the bishops at that synod called for the ordination of married men…
[Regarding God's command that we love or neighbor] The bearing with imperfections of our neighbor is one of the principal points of this love: Our Lord, Who had a heart so gentle towards us and loved us so dearly, showed this to us on the Cross; to us,…
Thanks to all who helped with Saturday's Rosary Procession in reparation to God for the national atrocity, disgrace and abomination of abortion. So many gave of themselves in so many ways — all is much appreciated. Of course, the most important element of the procession is the prayer itself:…
While the Feast of the Nativity of Our Lord (Christmas) is the most beloved of days for Catholics, the feast day is ranked only as fourth in the order of solemnity in the Church’s liturgical year celebrations. The greatest feast day is that of Easter Sunday on which…
Throughout the centuries, many Catholic parents have named their sons Jesus. The Old Testament names of Joshua and Jesse are simply variations of the name Jesus, meaning Savior. When parents give their sons this name, they do so out of devotion to Our Lord. But there…
Our Faith tells us that the Mass is the unbloody Sacrifice of the Cross, that is, the very same Sacrifice of His Own life which Our Redeemer offered for us on Calvary. That sacrificial death of Christ is shown forth by the two-fold consecration of the Body and…
A novena is a nine days’ prayer said as a preparation for some particular feast, or in order to obtain some special favor. The model and the first of all novenas was that made in the Cenacle, after the Ascension of Our Lord, by the Apostles and…
Gaudete Sunday in the midst of the Advent Season — like Laetare Sunday in the middle of the Lenten Season — commands us to rejoice. Both times of the year are somber and reflective. The altars and the priests are vested in the violet color of “vigilance and…
Please pray for all those who still believe and love the Catholic Faith but who are deceived by the New Order [novus ordo] imposed by the Modernists during and after the Second Vatican Council. Many conservative followers of the New Order are shocked and horrified by…
During the month of November, the Catholic Church reminds us of the inescapable reality of death to this world — the deaths of others who have already passed away, and our own inevitable deaths at some moment in the future. This reminder by the Church is not at…