The Beloved Amazon Region: Thus begins Francis' "Post-Synodal Apostolic Exhortation Querida Amazonia” addressed to the People of God and to All Persons of Good Will. The synod's final document which had been approved by the bishops at that synod called for the ordination of married men and women deaconesses, and it was generally expected (with joyous anticipation by some and with dire warnings by others) that Francis' own final statement would impose those arrangements, first in the Amazon, then throughout the world church of the New Order. Both the radicals and the conservatives in the New Order were focused on the hope or fear that Francis would end clerical celibacy, as though that was the main point of the synod. Both those favoring and those opposed to married priests and deaconesses were shocked when Francis said nothing whatsoever about either in his official “magisterial" statement of February 2, 2020. But Francis himself was focused on the ultimate revolutionary goal. Now both radicals and conservatives of the New Order agree that Francis' statement advances the radical agenda, both by promoting the demand for laymen and laywomen to leadership positions in the new church and, also, the Second Vatican Council's call for inculturation of the liturgy, i.e. the inclusion of myths and rituals and ceremonies of secular — even pagan — cultures, which was called for by the Second Vatican Council. Francis himself deferred to the document issued by the bishops at the close of the synod as being in force, and thus the plans are proceeding to produce an Amazonian liturgical worship service and to create lay leadership posts to serve as a model for the whole Church of the New Order throughout the world. This, Francis says, is his "dream" for the future.