Prayer Requests

† Please pray for priestly vocations! Pray ye therefore the Lord of the harvest, that he send forth laborers into his harvest. [Matthew 9:38]

Please pray for the deceased
Gerald F. Knebels, Susan Spicer, Marge Cicatelli, Reverend Richard Williamson, Jiuseppe Jahnsen, Gary Linn Koch, Joy Lang Osborne, Margaret Baulis, Eamonn Greenan, Father Finnegan, Eileen McManus, Frank Beaver, Kirby & Jean Bischel, Andrew Erdelyi, Joyce Liberman, Jack Campbell, Alicia Latham, Thomas Ertel, Mrs. Hogan, Bishop Bernard Tissier de Mallerais, Fran Addonizio, Margaret Gallagher, Wayne Johns, Ned Nelson, John Pfeiffer, Diane Young, Katharine McLachlan, James Greve, Mary Patricia Hutzel, Don Puryear, Gerard Berry, Laura Faith, Glenn Marshall, Alan Lotarski, Richard Sauerbutt, Infant Rachel Gabrielle Marie, Kevin Hayden, Sharon Thompson, Bill Deardorff, Vicki Walser, Sarah Fisher, Patricia Bendel, Patricia O'Halloran, Lisa Mullen, Amelia Lamplugh, James Auer, William Jones, Ron English, Mary Licht, Michael Percher, Anthony Amico, Jack McManus, Theresa Campbell, Agnes Selway, Cheryl Houston, Mary Butler, Stephen Anderson, Patricia Koloc, Ron Eber, Vera Seiler, Patricia Tutie, Michael Bogner, Bishop Clarence Kelly, Father Louis Campbell, Father Juan Carlos Iscara, Rosanna Fiore, Arthur Papa Sr, Elizabeth Pfeiffer, Margaret Chiti, Theresa Lamb, Gerard DeSalvo, James Evans Senior, Robert Byrne, Richard Rentschler, Lester Pugh, Michael Cantelmi, Andrea Lego & many others.

Please pray for others
Evie Sliwa, Virginia Lego, Sahar El Khoury, The mother of Juan Gonzalez, Mike Montesano, Kathy Tudek, Jarid and Jacinta Jahnsen, Daniel Nosko, Karen Kunkel, Monica Condit, Paul Riley, Joe Percher, Father Thomas Mroczka, Kathleen Cline, Patricia Urling, MaryAnn Grismer, Mary Beth Wiemels, Lee Clifford, Otto Wagner, Mario Miranda, Al Picone, Pamela Zagaria, Jenny Smith, Philomena Derksen, Nicholas Bell, Evie Sliwa, Rafael Chanza, Jonah Wittman, Eva Muhl, Eileen Beskitt, Emma Bush, Phillip DePaoli, Louis Saint Laurent, Maria Bogan, Lisa Sipe, Jim Condit Jr., Bernie Kunkel, Tim Lynch, Adam Field, George Schappacher, Jeanne Waters, Ron Crowley, Jerry Murphy, Dennis Chiti, Glenn Lego, Allen & Addison Strouse, Jim & Joyce McCarthy, Linda Norvell, James Woodard, Wes Stultz, Tammy Crawford, Melissa Gilliam, Marian Shawhan, Cheryl Johnson, Mrs. Billard, Nick Byrne, Marlene Wohleber, Jared R., Rose Marie Muhl's mother, Paola Mazzuca, Mike Recupero, Steve Breslin, Linda Jacko, Angelo DiPippo, Gregory Mancill, Andrew Ventura, Olivia Bruner, Terry Wildt, Cliff Hogan, Gianna Crano, Dr Michael Zanone, Father Leo Carley, Father Thomas Zapp, Roch Fredette, Nick & Mary Gaynor, Zachariah Ridenour, Diane Johnson, Jonathan Sapp, Sam Lamantia, Christian Rudmann, Charles Rose, Paul Hauer, Benedict Brueggemann, Priscilla Szijarto, Janell Unfried, Jaime Suárez, Mons. Val Handwerker, Sal Montesano, Frances Addinnizo, Eva Muhl, Father Starbuck, Gladys Stewart-Nies, MJ Theriot, Lena Schappacher, Joseph Berry, Phyllis Rivenbark, Diane Ventura, Janet Guest, Maria Acuña, Nicole Rose and many other special intentions.

† Please pray for the hundreds of people in the southeastern states who are suffering from the devastation wrought by hurricane Helene.

† Please join those who are daily praying both the Our Father and the Prayer to St. Michael the Archangel nine times daily as a perpetual novena for our country.

† Continue to pray for law enforcement officers who stand on the front 
line to resist agents of anarchy and chaos. Pray also for all our medical personnel, and all who work to uphold respect for God’s law in America.

Thank you and God bless you!


If you would like to submit a request or have your name removed from the list, please contact us here: