"Keeping the truth doesn't mean only defending ideas, becoming guardians of a system of doctrines and dogmas, but remaining bound to Christ and being devoted to his Gospel." This statement in Francis' homily of Sunday, May 23, 2021 reflects his oft-expressed contempt for dogma and doctrine. Francis has made it clear that he considers dogma to be divisive among Christians, that doctrines must be flexible and must evolve with the times. Such is exactly the anti-Catholic Modernist concept of dogma which Saint Pius X condemned in his 1907 encyclical "Pascendi" (Condemning the Errors of the Modernists).
While we readily agree that practicing the Catholic Faith "doesn't mean only defending ideas," nonetheless practicing the Faith requires having the Faith to start with as the foundation. And this requires doctrines and dogmas. To suggest that following Christ is somehow contrary to defending doctrines and dogmas is not only absurd, but it also implicitly blasphemous. It suggests that adherence to dogma is not compatible with following Jesus Christ, as though Christ Himself did not teach doctrines, did not command His Apostles to "go forth and preach the Gospel to all nations," and did not send the Holy Ghost to keep us faithful to His teachings and commands.